Video Walkthrough
Do you find yourself taking multiple screenshots of the Listing statistics, Prospecting widget, and copy and pasting an update to your sellers on a regular basis? If so, the SellerHUB will be a new feature that you are utilizing on a regular basis!
The SellerHUB is the interactive gateway created to encompass all the marketing efforts and activity of your listing into a custom, easy-to-navigate website for your Sellers.
The email can be sent to your Seller as needed, and is not automated. The data in most of the tabs will stay up to date, showing the latest statistics and comparables.
Below is a complete walk-through of how to customize and share it with your Seller.
Accessing the SellerHUB
Customizing the SellerHUB
Adding Showing Feedback
Emailing the SellerHUB
Accessing the SellerHUB
The SellerHUB will be unique for each of your listings. From your Listings tab, find the listing address in the grid layout. In the drop down menu next to the gear box, click "View SellerHUB".
A new tab will open, and will look very similiar to a CMA Gateway or when you email a listing.
Customizing the SellerHUB
Once the page loads, you will see all the fields to connect the email to the Sellers client profile, and enter the subject and email message. Under the fillable fields, you will see the new options you can customize as needed.
Display the MLS Statistics will load a Stats tab that highlights the listings PCS™ matches, listing website activity, and an interactive map that shows where the buyers are located when they viewed the listing.
Display Prospecting will load the Prospecting information that allows the Sellers to see if they were to make a price adjustment, how many new PCS™ searches the listing would match to. This is not selected by default and can be added when and if you need to start to have a discussion about the list price.
Display Xposure™ Meet is our built-in Video conference service.
Comparables will automatically find comparable properties that the Seller can review.
Showings allow you to keep a history for the Seller of all the showings that have been scheduled, as well as the feedback you have collected from the Buyers agent. This information is not synced from a showing platform, but entering the information can be quickly added.
Adding Showing Feedback
To add the showing, and feedback, click "Add New Showing", and a pop up box opens, as shown below. Select the date of the showing in field 1, the buyers agent in field 2, and the feedback in field 3. You can also paste feedback into field 3 if you are copying it from another platform or an email.
Once you have entered all the showing information, click the green Save button to commit the showing and have it visible to the Seller.
Custom Tabs
The last step is to add optional custom tabs. You can create templates and save the information to be added again quickly.
Click "Include Custom Tabs" to start to compile these optional additions.
A Content tab allows you to add text, images, videos, and tables to create a page in the SellerHUB to your needs.
A Link tab allows you to add a URL to the SellerHUB. When clicked, the seller would have a new tab open to the URL you have entered.
Load template is where you will load the templates for easy additions once you have created your template.
Creating a Content tab
Click the +Add Contact Tab to start.
Emailing the SellerHUB
The final step will be to click the green Send button to email the SellerHUB. From the Sellers Point of View, they will receive the email with the message you have entered, and then click the blue "Click here to view the SellerHUB" button that will be at the bottom of the email.